Sunday 5 February 2012

Zoom... Where did the time go?!

Hey everyone,
I know it's been ages!! I'm very slack, but I have been face booking a lot! So if you want a constant update just check face book :)

So we are now in the new year.. Ahhh! Scary! Aria is now 8 months old! Time has gone so fast!

At the beginning of December we got to hang out with Sylv and Levi :) it was so lovely to see them both! The time was too short! Love you guys and miss you more!

We enjoyed a lovely Christmas with the whole family. Christmas eve was spent at my Dads house, as usual there was heaps of food and we were stuffed by the end of the night! I hosted lunch for Rays family as well as Krystle and Reece on Christmas day. Much to my surprise everything ran smoothly and lunch was very yummy! Dad H has some photos so I will have to get them off him and post them for you! Then we headed to my Mums for dinner with the extended family. All in all it was a very busy but enjoyable weekend.

We had a small break down south before new years eve with Rinze and Kirsty. We spent a day at Malloy on the Reitsemas boat, Aria was a dream child that day and even slept in our beach tent for her arvo nap! We would have loved to stay longer but we are heading to Bali this Feb so Ray worked through the holidays.

Aria has started swimming lessons (more like splashing lessons). She absolutely loves the water!
I'm getting very excited for Aria's first birthday! Can't wait to start planning!!

Well thats all for now, I never really know what to write.. So here are some photos to enjoy :)

Lots of love till next time xox