Tuesday 29 May 2012

Our cheeky lil munchkin!

Our cheeky lil munchkin is nearly 1! What?!?! I know, how CRAZY!!

Some little facts about Aria..

Aria loves her food! She will eat until food comes out of her nose!
She loves the water, bath time is her favourite time of day.. Change time is NOT!
Aria has a favourite brown teddy bear with a green bow. Thanks Margaretta :)
I can now tie Aria's hair in a lil piggy tail. I sit her on the sink and she watches me in the mirror.
Her favourite game is catch me.. Whether we are catching her or she is catching us, it doesn't really matter! She giggles her head off either way!
She loves to pull all the Tupperware out of the cupboard.. At least it keeps her occupied while I cook.
Aria now has 8 teeth! And a fat molar cutting through..
Attitude! That should have been her middle name! She definitely knows what she wants and WILL fight to get it! Oh the fun times we have to look forward too :)
She also pulls a grumpy face when you tell her off and grumbles at the same time.. How do you keep a straight face???
She is now.. WALKING! So amazing, I caught her out last week walking herself from the play pen to the kitchen table. Good girl!

So there you go. We are now looking forward to celebrating her birthday next week :) YAY! So another post won't be far away!

Bye for now xo

Sunday 27 May 2012

Bali with the In-Laws

Sorry about the delay in my posting!! I couldn't upload any photos.. they were too Big.. Anyways here's a late update from our bali holiday..

We decided to join Rays family on holiday in Bali this Feb. We had so much fun! Aria was a champion flyer and didn't make a fuss at all on the flights! We stayed in beautiful Nusa Dua! Having parents in-law with a time share isn't so bad :) hehe..

We did lots of relaxing and it was great having mum as a babysitter for a few evenings and a day so I could see more of Bali this time!

Not much more to say, seeing as most people have been to Bali, so enjoy these pics :)

Our perfect lil angel on the flight!

The cutest kiddies :)

 Beautiful Rice fields up in the mountains near Ubud. 

Carlos' new fashion :) 

 'Yes, I'll have a fruit smoothie on the rocks thanks.'

Lovin' Bali!